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10:00am - 4:00pm
Mon - Fri
08:30am - 8:00pm
09:00am - 5:30pm
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Call our UK Contact Centres FREE
Opening Hours
10:00am - 4:00pm
Mon - Fri
08:30am - 8:00pm
09:00am - 5:30pm

Your Travel Insurance Quote

Please enter your details * Denotes required fields.

Important Cover Update

For information about what our policies can cover for COVID-19, travelling when there is a Government or regional lockdown, or travelling when FCDO restrictions are in place please click here.

We can cover Trip Cancellation, Emergency Medical and Repatriation Expenses, if you are affected by COVID-19 (coronavirus). Subject to you having had all the vaccinations offered to you*.

FCDO Advice:
Cover under our policies only applies if the FCDO have not advised against all or all but essential travel to your destination. Currently the FCDO advises against travel to certain destinations; Please see for full details.

If you still need to travel to Europe even when the FCDO has advised against all but essential travel, we can still provide cover by adding our European FCDO Travel Advice Extension. This will cover you as normal, however you wont be covered for the reason behind the FCDO travel advice, unless this is solely because of COVID-19.

Government or Regional Lockdowns:
You will not be covered if you are travelling, or plan to travel whilst a government or regional lockdown is in place.

*terms, conditions and exclusions apply

About your travel policy

Type of cover *
Please select a policy type
Will anyone travelling on this policy go on a cruise during the period of insurance? *
Please select Yes or No
Travelling from *
Please select your departure location
Travelling to *
Please select where you're going

FCDO cover has been added!


FCDO cover not included


Trip already booked?
Departure/Return date *
Please select a departure date


Please select a return date


Cover for *
Please select the type of traveller you require cover for

Your basic details

First name
Email *
Tel. number
Postcode *

Please take reasonable care to answer all the questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge. If you do not your policy may be cancelled or treated as if it never existed, or your claim rejected or not fully paid.

If you enter your email address we'll send you an email with your quote and policy information. From time to time we'd like to contact you regarding other products and services. If you would like to opt out of specific channels, tick here.

Travel eligibility statement

By proceeding to the next page you agree that you and all people to be insured by this policy are:

  • Residents of the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man for at least six months within the last 12 month period.
  • Registered with a medical practitioner in your home country - which should be either the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
  • Travelling from and returning to the United Kingdom, Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
  • Not already travelling at time of purchase.
  • Travelling for a minimum of 2 consecutive nights in pre-booked accommodation if the policy holders are travelling in their home country on Single Trip or Annual Multi-Trip policies.
  • All travellers are not already covered for this trip by us.

Please note:

  • There is no cover for medical expenses within the United Kingdom including Jersey and the Isle of Man
  • Claims will be invalid if travelling against the advice of the Government or FCDO